Bluewall Technologies offers an extensive range of Bollards to suit a variety of applications. In the Bord Gais Energy Theatre we installed Generation 6 Vendome Urbaco Bollards.
These are the sixth generation of Urbaco’s retractable bollards, the result of 20 years’ experience. The patented Monobloc Urbaco is comprised of three structural elements. The casing is cast in one piece, and integrates cast sliding rails and mechanical supports in the same block.
Conceived to ensure the safety of strategic access against ram-vehicles, the Urbaco range of High Security Bollards are the answer to the most demanding requirements of access control and impact resistance.
With applications in airports, government or military facilities and other buildings that may require heightened security, Urbaco bollards are so solid that three together can withstand the impact generated by a 7-ton truck travelling at a speed of 50km/h (31mph).
Even when fully extended, more than 1/4 the length of bollard head remains lined by the patented monobloc® double-lid, increasing the impact resistance.