Operator: Wexford parishes
Public Spaces: 125 spaces at Rowe Street & 140 at spaces Bride Street
- Rowe Street is controlled by a DESIGNA PM100 hourly charge system with 1 entrance, 1 exit & 1 pay station.
- A separate contract car park is used by card holders who pay annual fees for parking.
- Bride Street is a fixed charge system with 1 entrance and 2 exits.
Special features:
- Telephone based intercom with link to security that look after parish affairs, security and parking
- Special tariff developed to ensure Mass goers park free.
- Due to town centre location of the car park spaces were not free for mass goers and no way of providing parking for funerals.
- The fully automated system has generated revenue to pay for onsite security for the cathedral and to ensure spaces are free for Mass goers through pricing.
- The system allows management of parking space availability for funerals.
Website: www.wexfordparish.com