COVID-19. Update March 14th 2020
Dear Customers,
Our hearts and thoughts go out to the people who have been affected by this unprecedented event and we appreciate the healthcare workers and local communities who are on the front line working to contain this coronavirus. Please know that we are vigilantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation around the clock.
We are cognisant of the escalating risk and potential impact of COVID-19 on our staff and clients. It goes without saying that our primary concern is protecting and safeguarding the health and welfare of everyone we engage with.
With this in mind, some time ago we implemented a number of measures to minimise the health risks presented by this virus, whilst also ensuring that we remain open and ready to serve our clients. Investment has been made in our IT systems and technology to ensure Blue Wall is resilient and adaptable to changing business needs.
Protocols and business continuity plans have been put in place to ensure that we are ready to assist you in whatever way you need.
How are we supporting you?
- Staff have been informed of the risks and where practical are remote working. We have taken measures to limit face to face contact between employees in the work environment, stagger working hours and where necessary hold meetings via Tele/videoconference.
- The office will be manned daily during normal business hours as is the case at present.
- We are taking all precautions as recommended by the HSE and the Government.
- We have setup up for remote working of our office staff should the need arise, with both phones and mails being answered remotely from home during normal business hours. ‘Out of Hours” on call response will continue to operate as normal.
- Please use the existing “Out of Hours” number to contact our engineers on call. In the event that the phone is not answered it is essential that a message is left with all details of issue and a contact number to allow us to call back.
- During this period, we will only carry out essential work and staff will be assigned to working on service as a priority.
- We have issued each engineer with Hand sanitizing gel, multi surface wipes and disposable gloves to allow them to clean down equipment prior to working on or repairing equipment.
- All our engineers are setup for remote working and have access to over 95% of customer sites, allowing us to repair 80% of faults within a couple of hours.
- At the start of February, we partnered with Radius Technologies for IT support and invested a significant change in our IT, adding to our Simpro Cloud hosted Enterprise Management systems.
- Liam Power Electrical whose provided installation services over the past 17 years have been contracted to provide full time electricians to increase our resources.
- We will continue where practical to continue ongoing installations and adhere to any requests from the clients in regard to site practices.
Finally, we are committed to supporting you during these challenging times, and should you need our help as this situation evolves please feel free to contact myself or Roger directly on our mobile numbers.
Best regards,
Derek Tebay