Architects, Facility Managers and Owners should review whether the use of electromagnets and push buttons with green break glass units ensures compliance with I.S. EN1125 1997.
The following recommendations apply to buildings, or parts of buildings which are used for assembly or recreation.
(Purpose Group 5):-
(a) Exit doors from areas holding more than 50 people should either be free from fastenings or be fitted with panic bolts complying with I.S. EN1125 1997.
(b) Doors, other than those covered by item (a), should be fitted only with simple fastenings that
can be operated from the escape side of the door without the use of a key.
This is extracted from Irish Building Regulations 2006, Technical Guidance Document B – Fire Safety
Blue Wall service can carry out a review of premises in regard to locking and maintenance of access and security systems.
Photo attached is at The Mater Private Hospital staff entrance and emergency exit, where we installed Dorma panic hardware allowing easy exit with a single action.